Revolutionising environmental sustainability

eClean’s advanced technology is the result of years of dedicated research and development. Our team of experts has worked tirelessly to create a revolutionary water filtration system that effectively removes nitrates and other contaminants from water sources. Through the combination of an engineered microbiome, a custom designed bioreactor, and a smart sensor for real-time data monitoring, we have developed a comprehensive solution for clean and sustainable water management.

The engineered microbiome: a breakthrough in water filtration technology

The engineered microbiome is the heart of our water filtration system, effectively removing nitrates and other contaminants. Through a combination of natural processes and advanced technology, it creates a comprehensive solution for clean water.

Water filtration diagram

Custom designed bioreactor for efficient water purification

Our custom designed bioreactor is at the core of our water purification system. It makes use of advanced technology like submersible pumps, bubblers and aerators to maintain water flow across the microbial surface and allow continuous contaminant removal removing nitrites, phosphorus, potassium, ammonia, sulfur, and other contaminants from water sources.

Design innovation

The custom treatment system is engineered to optimise water flow and maximise filtration performance.


Our treatment system is designed to efficiently remove nitrates and other contaminants for cleaner water.

eClean bioreactor
water filter

Real-time data monitoring with smart sensor technology

Our smart sensor technology enables real-time monitoring of water quality, providing accurate data to ensure cleaner and safer environments. With our advanced system, you can easily track and analyze key parameters such as nitrate levels, phosphorus content, and ammonia concentrations, allowing you to take proactive measures to protect our lakes and rivers.

The environmental and economic benefits of eClean’s water cleaning technology

Adopting eClean's technology for water cleaning purposes offers significant environmental and economic advantages. Additionally, this innovative solution reduces the reliance on harmful chemicals and costly traditional filtration methods, resulting in long-term cost savings for agriculture and councils.


By effectively removing nitrates and other contaminants from water sources, eClean's low-cost and energy-efficient bioreactor system helps improve water quality and protect aquatic ecosystems. Our technology improves water quality, protects ecosystems, and reduces reliance on harmful chemicals.


By minimising the use of expensive, chemical-based and traditional filtration processes, eClean delivers cost efficiencies for the agricultural sector as well as municipal councils and areas of cultural importance.

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Find answers to commonly asked questions about eClean, our products, and their environmental impact.

How does the technology work?

eClean has engineered microbiome technology which incorporates a blend of microbes, enzymes, and other living organisms to biologically filter and break down contaminants in water. This process effectively removes pollutants such as nitrates, E.coli, and heavy metals from water systems.

Can it be used in both urban and agricultural environments?

Yes, eClean's technology is versatile and can be implemented in both urban and agricultural settings. It is designed for use in farm drains, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies susceptible to point-source contamination.

Is the system energy efficient?

Yes it is. eClean makes us of natural biological activities which requires less energy compared to conventional chemical or mechanical water treatment processes.

What contaminants does it remove?

eClean's technology is designed to remove a broad spectrum of contaminants from waterways. These include:

  • Nitrates: Significantly reduces nitrate levels, which are harmful to both aquatic life and human health when present in high concentrations.
  • E. coli: Targets and reduces the presence of E. coli bacteria, a common indicator of water contamination and potential health risk.
  • Heavy Metals: Efficiently removes heavy metals, which can be toxic to wildlife and humans even at low concentrations.

This range of contaminant removal capabilities highlights eClean's commitment to addressing various forms of water pollution, making water safer for both ecological systems and human use.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.

Additional services provided by eClean

Installation services

We offer installation of our bioreactors. Contact our team for more information.

Maintenance services

We provide regular maintenance to keep your bioreactor system operating at its best.