Become part of the eClean Team and join the journey to restore our waterways
We are committed at eClean to ensuring the mauri and health of our awa and roto (lakes and rivers) are returned and sustained for future generations. Become part of the eClean team and join the journey (haerenga) to restore Aotearoa’s (New Zealand) waterways.
It doesn’t matter if you are a student at school, science teacher, school principal, concerned citizen, community group, mum or dad, whanau, business or corporate investments, you can contribute to returning the health of our waterways. Here are some ideas to get you started:
School project on water quality
- Student
- Teacher
- Project research
Help us with research
- Join us in water monitoring rivers
- Community member
- Citizen
Volunteer your services
- Scientist
- Professional
- PR
- Design
Community restoration project
- Work with us to access funding and run projects
- Create community awareness
Business donations
Businesses donate 1% of their earnings

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